January 30, 2022 03 : 00 PM to 06 : 00 PMONSITE - BEAUTY IN THE DETAILS
Portraits are works of art that record the likenesses of humans or animals that are alive or have been alive. The word portraiture is used to describe this category of art.
The purpose of a portrait is to memorialize an image of someone for the future. It can be done with painting, photography, sculpture, or almost any other medium.
Some portraiture is also created by artists purely for the sake of creating art, rather than working on commission. The human body and face are fascinating subjects that many artists like to study in their personal work.
Join us this Sunday’s Portrait workshop in details led by CHARLES LIBAN JR. Basic editing will be included in this workshop. please bring your laptop with Photoshop installed. See you!
Seats are limited so please sign below: