Birds Photography Workshop
March 03, 2018 06 : 00 AM to 09 : 00 AMJoin and Learn with Nisha, some tricks and tips of Birds Photography.
Join Nisha in the field and capture some amazing moments of a Bird's life with your Nikon gear.
Telephoto lenses more suitable for this workshop.
Nisha Purushothaman is an avid traveler and photographer. She is one who firmly believes that the people need more awareness about the planet and should travel and see the already fragile eco-system first hand and contribute their part into helping conserve the earth’s resources. She loves to be defined as a naturalist, conservationist photographer. From the backwaters and rainforests of India to the grass plains of Masai Mara; from the crater of Ngorongoro to the deserts of the Middle East, she has spent days and nights passionately following the landscapes, flora & fauna, birds and wildlife of these places.
You can see her work at http://nishas.info/