Commercial Advertising Photography & Videography
May 10, 2018 04 : 30 PM to 07 : 30 PMLearn and discuss the techniques used in Commercial Advertising.
Learn and discuss the techniques used in Commercial Advertising with Jean Marie.
Jean Marie started his advertising career with the main Ad agency in the Middle East before being taken over by Y&R (Young & Rubicam) working for mainstream client British Airways - Singapore Airlines- Johnson & Johnson....etc.
Moved to London to start his company "August Branding consultancy" with clients like Garrard - Asprey - Tiffany....etc.
Started in parallel a second company "August Design" with a fully equipped broadcast quality 3d and video suites with Sat uplink to clients like Sky - MBC...etc
The third company called HOFA for TV series and programs production for sports and entertainment.
Along the way, he has shot with David Bailey - Naomi Campbell - Claudia Schiffer, Produced around 200 plus TV commercials and campaigns with over 300 hrs of TVC's and TV programs.
He is also a Nikon Professional Service Member (UK)
Workshop Outline:
- Advertising Shoot Break Out
- Why
The Essence of Branding - Advertising - Photography
- How
Concept - Theme - Execution
Composition is outdated and oversold......
- The Team
Who does what?
- The Process
Creative - Development - Team
- The Shoot
Mood Boards - Shoot Boards - DoP....etc
- Post
Digital Processing - Style - Color Harmony
- Q&A
Location Map : https://goo.gl/maps/CWZPH3csedJ2