Product Photography 101
February 13, 2021 03 : 00 PM to 04 : 30 PMLIGHTING FOR E-COMMERCE PRODUCT SHOTS
Are your product shots flat and dull especially when it is just a solo shot on a white background? Does the product look ordinary and boring? Maybe you’re not lighting it properly.
In this webinar, Jay Alonzo will show you simple lighting technique that will make your products shots more client-winning. This online event is not only for photographers, but also recommended for e-commerce entrepreneurs and others involved in the production of product photos.
- Learn the lighting principles that will give you an edge and level up your product photography
- Know the lighting tools needed to produce client-winning e-commerce and classic product shots
• Discover Jay Alonzo’s simple technique in lighting products for classic or commerce style shots, that you can apply immediately
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