The Great Conjuction
December 21, 2020 04 : 00 PM to 04 : 00 AMAstro Get-together for rare event
This is not a workshop, but a Astro Photographers get-together for a Rare Event.
Invite is open to photographers with Intermediate and expert level knowledge in Astro-photography.
This event will be lead by renowned Astro Photographer Samy Al Olabi.
Time : gathering 4:00 pm , arriving 5:00 pm , shooting 5:30 pm to 4:00 am
Venue : Al Shawqah / Wadis & Mountains
Agenda :
1. Introduction and general instructions/ precautions
2. Equipment & Tools Setup
3. Introduction to the night skies objects and constellations / in real time
4. Composition techniques.
5. Shooting techniques and camera settings
6. Shooting/Observing the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn from 5:45 to 7 :30 pm
7. Shooting/Observing the Moon/moonset (45-50 % illuminated) – up to 11:30 pm
8. Shooting/Observing Planet Mars up to 1:30 am
9. Shooting Orion constellation / Pleiades constellation up to 4:00 am
Preferred Equipment :
Super zoom cameras - P1000 – as much number as available
DSLR/mirrorless + telephoto lenses and teleconvertors
· 800mm (for my own personal coverage for the event)
· 200-500mm
· 1.7 x teleconvertor
· 2.0 x teleconvertor
The Great Conjunction of 2020 Is a Celestial Event 800 Years in the Making :
This celestial event is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the gas giants of our solar system appear so close together in the sky that they appear to touch. (They won't in fact and will actually be 400 million miles apart – it's all a matter of perspective!)
Based on their orbits, Jupiter (which orbits the sun every 11.9 years) and Saturn (every 29.5 years), the two planets appear close together roughly every 19.6 years. When they do, it's called a Great Conjunction, and the last one occurred in the dawn hours of May 28, 2000.
This year's Great Conjunction is particularly special, as it's the closest these two planets will appear in the sky since the 13th century. "This conjunction is exceptionally rare because of how close the planets will appear to one another
"This means, under high magnification in your lens and telescope you'll be able to see both planets — Saturn with its famous ring system and Jupiter with its cloud bands and Galilean satellites — simultaneously in the same field of view!"